虽然一直是中国学生最不擅长写的,Q2 rhetorical analysis从2020年考试开始,文章语言难度陡降
AP语言文本分析的难点在变。以前是对文章难点的准确理解:2017 Clare Luce on journalism虽然是现代演讲,语言难度挺高。再往前看,2014 Abigail Adams to son, 2010 Banneker to Jefferson 都是18世纪信件,难度匹配 SAT 阅读里较难的历史篇章
我通常不发讲课式的文章;最有价值的干货应该留给上课的同学。不过为了讲清楚这个变化,这次我要用到2023年set 2 Q2文章一个非常值得分析但可能不起眼的细节
如果写lines 2-3 “been teaching for the past twenty-seven years” 作appeal to ethos分析,考3分甚至2分的学生也看得出,也能叫出来这个device。可是分析角度为何呢?在学校任教超过20年的教授多的是——尤其是Virginia这种教授数量很多的大U——为啥Rita Dove就特别有credibility呢?这个观察无法写出有见解的分析,死路一条
真正值得分析的是Lines 6-7“I googled it, so it must be true!”
结合rhetorical situation——a faculty giving commencement speech to graduating students——听众身份已被限定为graduating students
美本大四学生在校期间最常被教授叮嘱的要求之一就是cite your sources
受过高等教育的人都该懂google can be an unreliable source of information: just because something is on google doesn’t make it true
“I googled it, so it must be true” 的观点只会出自没上过大学/没受过高质量教育的人。Rita Dove用了反语irony
她从esteemed faculty的default人设,一下去到了uneducated teenager的新人设,让毕业生们听出了大学经历带给他们的思辨能力
为啥要这样做呢?add intergenerational empathy with young, fledging adults: 想要让后者群体听她的话,最好能用他们的语言交流,或体现自己懂对方的语言和思维
Dove’s language use is full of intergenerational empathy that increases the appeal of her message. Early on, in equating the goal of a commencement speaker to giving “life advice,” she says “I googled it, so it must be true!” The irony of this remark cannot be lost on graduating seniors: after all, college professors must have warned against reflexively trusting information sourced from google, while one point of attending college is to become critical thinkers capable of judging the veracity of online information. By speaking ironically, Dove places herself in the shoes of a teenager who has not attended college or lacks the intellectual horsepower to differentiate information. This ensures that the students in attendance have recognized the value of their college experience while engendering rapport between Dove and these fledging adults.