在这类题中经常会出现一些关键词(command words),比如,‘Define’, ‘State’, ‘Compare’,‘Describe’等。
大纲中对这些Command words给出了明确的定义与描述,告诉学生该如何回答这类问题。
在这里,我们总结经常出现的command words,帮助大家”拿下”这些纸老虎。
Part.1 State/Define
A formal statement is required or, if you give the defining equation,all terms in the equation must be explained. Where a ratio is involved, the ratio must be made clear. For example, density is mass per unit volume, not mass of unit volume. When defining a quantity, this should not be done in terms of units.
我们看到State/Define的简答题,虽然要求给出formal statement, 但是如果你给的是defining equation也一样拿分。我的天,终于不用背这么长的英文定义了。
Part.2 Compare
it requires candidates to provide both similarities and differences between things or concepts.
Part.3 Describe
Set out the facts or characteristics. The description of a process should address what happens, and when and/or where it happens.
“Describe”类的简答题,也是比较容易丢分的题。对于这类题,我们需要强调两点点:”what happens”和“when/ where it happens”。举例说明:
首先, what happens :alternating p.d. is applied, magnetic field changes, alternating p.d. is induced.
其次, when/where it happens:在这里,我们需要指出”where it happens”。
Magnetic field 是在iron core里变化,the induced p.d. 存在于 secondary coil。最好,我们将这些点串起来:alternating p.d. applied in the primary coil causes the changing magnetic field, which induces alternating p.d. in the secondary coil. 对比给出的答案,我们很容易拿到了full mark。
Part.4 Explain & Give
Set out reasons and/or mechanisms to address why and/or how something happens. For example, when asked to explain the change in rate of reaction seen on a graph, the expected response would suggest scientific reasons for any change seen, for example in terms of molecular collisions or enzymatic action.
a short answer is required without explanation.
好了,这些就是A-level简答题中常出现的command words, 掌握也不难的。所以,这些答题技巧你们都了解了吗?秋季A-level考试近在眼前,真叫人头秃… …